“Thirty-six years ago, I became aware that the world I was born into was not what it appeared to be. For centuries saints and mystics have said this world was not real. Indian mystics, like Rumi and Yogananda, called it Maya, meaning illusion. Then in 1980, I had direct perception of this illusion, direct perception of the holographic nature of the Universe.
And, no, I was not on drugs. Far from it. Fact is, it would have been easier to handle such an experience if I had been on drugs. I could yield to the possibility that it was just a hallucination and carry on with my goals and worldly ambitions. But, instead, I felt like Dorothy in the famed classic ‘The Wizard of Oz’. Being privy to what was behind the curtain of physical reality. That lifting of the veil from my eyes meant I could never really return home–back to the prevailing classical world view.
Back in High School, I was only taught Newtonian physics which placed matter at the foundation of our so-called predictable clockwork Universe. I was taught that matter consisted of these microscopic billiard ball-type things called atoms. Atoms are the reason we experience a continuous material external world out there. In subsequent science classes Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was the only challenging concept. E=MC2. Energy equals matter that has been accelerated at the speed of light (186,000 mi/sec) squared. Meaning energy and matter are the same. Okay. I got it. But what does that imply?
My teachers never really explained the significance of energy and matter being the same, sufficiently. Nor did they ever mention people like Max Born, Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, John Bell or Max Planck. Men who discovered a whole other layer of reality called Quantum Physics.
Back in the early part of the Twentieth Century, each of these men had proven discoveries that turned the scientific world upside down. Why? Because in this new quantum view our physical Universe is not so physical after all. There is a lot of ‘strangeness’ in this quantum physics worldview that relegated any discussion of it to fringe scientists initially, and then to doctoral students as an elective.
I forgive my teachers.
Now, with quantum physics inching it’s way subtly into the mass consciousness through numerous books, films and more recently cutting-edge cable TV shows like ‘Brain Games’, and Morgan Freeman’s mind expanding ‘Through the Wormhole’ series, and more recently regular TV shows are slipping in references of the infamous ‘Double Slit Experiment’ that says matter is both a particle and a wave. The interpretation that I had of my experience has been verified.
But, again, what does this all mean? Matter certainly feels solid enough according to my ordinary senses. And that’s where the problem lies. Our senses are fallible. We don’t see reality as it really is.
I believe that we, all living things, are part of a global-nonlocal- brain if you will. And, we are playing in a virtual reality video game, at the cosmic level, in our collective minds and projecting it out onto space/time, which is a multidimensional scaffold.
Our thoughts are things. Everything that we see and touch originated as a thought, an idea, first.
Everything manifest is based on code. There are chemical codes. Computer codes. And, of course, The Genetic code. Recently, scientists finally decoded the human genome and is poised to do amazing and terrifying things with that information. Yet to me, the underlying question still remains: Who or What wrote the original code—the equation for the “physical” universe to spring into existence in the first place?
How is it that I am sitting here typing away on this computer, aware that I am typing and aware that I am aware that I am typing out my thoughts into words while the amazing ambient music of Brian Eno plays in my headphones? How was I able to write songs, let alone sing them? Perhaps a better title for this section should be: Who Am I really.
Decades ago all of this would’ve sounded crazy, and to some people reading this, it still does. Listening to physicist, Tom Campbell (My Big TOE—Theory of Everything) or Amrit Goswami (The Self-Aware Universe) who’s often labeled the Quantum Activist; reading books like The Tao of Physics by Frijov Capra, or Wholeness and the Implicate Order by physicist David Bohm; any book by Ken Wilber, Fred Alan Wolf; Beyond the Quantum and The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, just may change your mind. These books keep me sane.
Today, there are an overwhelming amount of books, films and lecturers who point toward a more comprehensive metaphysical or hyper-physical interpretation of reality. Popular spiritual teachers like Deepak Chopra, Gary Zukov (Dancing Wei Li Masters) and Eckart Tolle (The Power of Now) are just a few of them.
The latest interpretation of the quantum worldview called Monistic Idealism places Consciousness-not matter-at the foundation of Reality. That’s the one I’m betting on. Monistic Idealism-especially the way Amrit Goswami interprets it in all of his books, explains or corroborates most of the often called ‘mystical’ occurrences I’ve experienced since childhood. Of course, most physicists do not share my view: that this life experience of ours is like a virtual reality video game created in Source Consciousness or Imagination, and projected outward onto a holographic field. I hope to change that.”